The Categories and Features of Methanol Gasoline

If you are determined to start to use Methanol gasoline, it is essential to know about its categories first.
Methanol gasoline categories
The mixture of methanol and gasoline is generally called gasoline burning with methanol and regarding the methanol content as fuel mark such as mixing 15%, 30%, 50%, 85%, then the methanol gasoline is respectively M15, M30, M50, and M85. Pure methanol fuel and additives are M100.
Generally speaking, methanol gasoline products have the following features
First, outstanding environmental technology and cleanability
The product producing process adopts clean technology without three wastes. Methanol gasoline additives don’t include toxic substance some PBTs emit like lead, for another, it benefits improving the city environment.
Second, convenient to use, needn’t change any appliance
If in order to use oil liquefied gas fuel to add special equipment, it will increase car cost. Additionally, Methanol gasoline additives can use the same device of fossil oil, which not only saves gasoline expend, but reduce the money of restructuring device. Sole application or mixed use is all available, playing a threefold role.
Par ellena le mercredi 27 juillet 2011


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